
Monday, October 11, 2010


If you received an incomplete blog entry this afternoon, please disregard it.  (I accidentally published something I was writing in advance, and I'm not techno-savvy enough to figure out how to stop Google Reader from picking it up, even after I've hurriedly deleted the entry...)

If you can't un-see it... You'll just be bored (more than usual, I mean) later on this month.  ;o)

Here is a Yarn-Yuck-ish representation of how I feel when this happens:

Pre-premature-publication:  "Yay!  I'm writing Yarn Yuck blog posts in advance!  There will be Yarn Yuckage every day for a month to come!  I will forget what I've written in what order, so it'll be almost new to me, too.  Hurray for bad memory!"

Post-premature-publication:  "Boo.  Woe is me!  Now everyone will see that post a week or two before they should have... It won't make sense!  Why did my finger slip and type Ctrl-P? Why?!  Life seems so empty at times like this..."

Thank you for putting up with these occasional slip-ups!

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